Friday, March 11, 2011

My amazing brother

My sweet brother came home yesterday from the hospital. He seems to be progressing so well. He kept trying to hold my hand and reach for Gracie! I am so proud of him! Thank you God for all the blessing's you shine down on us daily! Please continue to heal Willie, Jason and Mom!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Katy Perry - Firework


Welcome to my new venture.  I needed a way to vent.  The stresses of life have become a bit much.  Life totally changed for me over the summer of 2010.  My only brother, 19, had a hemoragic stroke that has totally incapacitated him.  My world was turned upside down.  You can read more about him at He is such an amazing friend and brother.  I love him with my whole heart.  Over the years he has always been there for me and I guess now its my time to be there for him.  Maybe that is God's plan.  I can't help but question why him??? Why a man that had so much going for him and a man who could not have been a better person.  He wanted nothing more than to be a EMT or Fireman.  He was working so hard to fullfill his dreams.  He was always smiling and did anything for anyone.  Maybe it's our turn.....